Tag Archives: movie

Survivor of NK Starvation Speaks

Movie poster for "Crossing"

NK orphan talks about the movie “Crossing”

At the Jan. 29 preview of the movie “Crossing” in Tokyo, one of LFNKR’s foster children joined the preview press conference to talk about her experiences.  An orphan, she had lost her parents to starvation in North Korea, but is now a university student in South Korea.  LFNKR members are happy see that she has grown into such a fine lady.  The movie apparently reminded her of her own childhood.

Movie ‘Crossing’ Wins High Praise

"Crossing" - the Movie

It also Raises Valid Questions

Based on a true story, the Korean movie “Crossing” took four years to complete. Until the movie was publicly announced in March this year, the entire project was kept under tight security, including all filming done in South Korea, China, and Mongolia. “Crossing” focuses on the reality of life in North Korea and the flood of defectors leaving the country. The secrecy was necessary because there were fears that pro-North Korean elements in South Korea might sabotage the project.